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University of Mexico psychologist, Dr. Kent Kiehl, have trouble within their paralimbic system of their brain. This system involves interconnecting brain structures the help with the functions of goal setting, emotion processing, self-control, and motivation. Kiehl also said that because of this, psychopath's brains are fundamentally different from the rest of us and are a major factor in knowing why psychopaths are the way they are.

Unfortunately, as far as cures go, there are yet to be any. Psychopathy is considered to be brain damage thus, it becomes treatable though incurable. Psychologists use many different tactics to try and target what it is in an individual that makes them act with psychopathic tendencies. Psychologists Chakhssi, Ruiter and Bernstein stated that Schema therapy has shown to be influential in the progress of psychopaths. This kind of therapy mainly includes exploring one's     childhood origins as well as maladaptive coping techniques. 

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